A Heartfelt Thank You to All!! Also, what is this place?

General chat & ping.pe support
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To the dedicated, tireless, and incredible community of network administrators, geeks, coders, tinkerers, webmasters, and everyone else who uses ping.pe to troubleshoot networks:

1. First of all, Thank you!! I receive so many words of gratitude and offers to contribute to the project, making it difficult to respond to all. In the modern digital era, such kind words and offers do stand out. You all are simply amazing!

2. I feel bad I can't respond to every single email. So, I'm setting up this board as a solution, giving us a shared space to communicate.

3. To all the folks who offer to contribute VPS (endpoints), again, a BIG thank you! At this moment ping.pe is at full capacity (adding any more endpoints would overload the main server) but I am working on this.

4. To all the folks asking for help, this is THE place to do so. If you need a hand with reading ping.pe's output, or just having a hard time with a network related issue, please do post here. There are no dumb questions. I personally went through two decades of learning about networking and am still making discoveries on a regular basis.

5. Structure of this board for now is going to be very simple; just one category for all. I will later split it into sections, depending on actual needs.

Please feel welcome!